Hi has anyone who is with FM received their hot water bill yet?? I’m a bit concerned as genesis have received theirs a while ago… Again we have no communication with FM!what does jimmy exactly do for FM? From what I see the answer is nothing! Fed up of having to wait or having to find an answer as to where my hot water bill is after a year and a half!
I spoke to Paula who visited me in early October with Jimmy and I was told I would here within a week. However,weeks passed and I called Desmond that same month who told me PCHA and family M were in talks about responsibility? Of what I’m still not sure. I called Desmond from PCHA on this Friday. He told me I should have a bill by the end of the month. To be honest I feel I am being fobbed off, as the energy company tell me they are still waiting to hear from PCHA or Family M regarding my account!