Pop into the swap shop, where you can exchange books & DVD's with other Quadrant Court residents.
This weekend I went to use the dry recycle Envac waste bin. Upon opening the door to the shoot, I encountered a carrier bag of rubbish, that had got stuck. A blockage had occurred from an overly filled bag, unable to freely fall down the shoot. I...
Should Brent Council allow the proposal of a 9 screen multi-plex cinema to go ahead?
I totally agree about the security issue recently flagged up. Time and time again I meet the door wedged open. It really defeats the purpose of Quadrant Court residents having a secure intercom, because anyone off the streets can gain access. Please...
For health and safety of all residents...
Dear Resident, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the following: I am aware that a number of residents take pride in the balconies and respect that they are used for their peaceful enjoyment. Residents are reminded that the...
In the interests of safety and security to you, your household and belongings...
Dear Resident,
I would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the following:
No ball games allowed
Children are to be supervised at all times
Parents are advised to ensure that their children leave the play area by 9pm
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