Just simple do not informe to southern electricity(who supplier for Quadrant court and forrum house) and they not check anything as they only know when some one informed/register they occupied name.
You can also save on your water meter bill same as; not to infome
You can save on your TV licence fee as not to informe and when you by your new TV make sure you not give your address to shop, give your friends and family address for guarantee, or buy TV from Sunday Wembley market.
I spent money only for foods to cook, not for cook.
You can save monthly minimum £100.00 in Forrum House and in Quadrant court
How is this information for you?
Hi, I really don’t understand this. I’m registered with every company you mentioned in the above comment and gladly pay my bills every month as it really should be done. I’m not too sure If u are trying to say that we dodge the bills but to tell u the truth when you do do this it will end up hitting u hard at some point. For the comment from the 25/02 we are concerned as to where the bills are and what has happened and also what can we do when we receive these bills. If we do kick up a fuss we might be able to get some sort of discount as this is NOT our fault. Please can u explain your comment further as I don’t think I did quite get it right.