Rubbish in the main foray

Hi just wanted to say when you’ve checked your mail, if you got junk mail please keep it with you and put in the bins. When it is just left on the floor…it makes our home look ugly and dirty. Also the bins are on the way to your flats. Lets respect where we live please.

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  • Hi,

    I posted this earlier and just wanted to say the word is foyer and foray.

    Sorry for being so particular 😀


  • Yet again walked out this morning and the entrance of our lovely block is full of rubbish (unwanted post)! Oliver if your reading this please can u put a notice up or find out who does this through the cameras.. It’s absolutely disgraceful that people behave in this way and have no respect for other residents! There’s been a few times where I have cleared all the rubbish out myself.. I hate to think what type of messy people we have living in our blocks! Thanks

Further reading

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Why treat lifts like bins?

Just got in to find two Capri suns empty and left in the lift as rubbish… That is absolutely disgusting. Please pick up your rubbish. You...

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Bin Offence

Worst bin offence I’ve seen in a long time. A heap of wood topped with the base of a birthday cake thrown for other residents to see. Residents...