Drones used at Wembley Park

Drones over skyline

Construction company, John Sisk and Son who are a contractor working for Quintain are planning to use drones to examine defects on the tallest block of the Wembley Park development which stands at 26 stories. 

We could have a drone fly up there, check the panel for any damage and then come back down. ’It would remove the need to erect a scaffold up the 24 storeys of the building or have suspended cradles to perform the checks.’

Sisk BIM engineer David Vater said he would soon be taking his test to obtain a licence to fly the drones. ’It’s similar to flying [an aircraft] – you need to pass a theory test to make sure you understand all the air laws, and then you have a practical test.

‘When you fly a drone, you have to alert the owner of the site and whoever owns the air space above you, and then clear the entire site because no one’s allowed underneath it.’ Vater said that the Heathrow flight path would be the closest airspace in the case of Wembley Park.

A fleet of six Defect-detecting drones to be piloted at PRP’s Wembley Park scheme

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