London’s biggest pizza festival, MySliceFest at Wembley Park yesterday, left visitors queuing up to 2 hours for a slice of pizza.
.@pizzahutuk any chance you could send about a thousand pizzas down to @myslicefest ?
— Nick Collins (@NicholasCollins) July 30, 2016
Visitors turned to Pizza Hut for delivery because they felt it would arrive sooner than waiting in the huge queues that snaked around the car park, where the event was held.
Twitter went into mozzarella melt down when visitors complained about the long queues caused by not enough pizza vendors to go round. Rather than enjoying the event, visitors found themselves stuck in queues and missing the live entertainment.
@NicholasCollins we got in the queue to order at 4:45 and am only just getting pizza. LucknNeat have been and gone.
— Lizzi D (@xLizziDx) July 30, 2016
. @xLizziDx we started before that! Been at least 2.5 hours now… Still no word from @myslicefest #myslicefest
— Nick Collins (@NicholasCollins) July 30, 2016
#myslicefest great idea! Until you spend more time queueing for food than actually dancing & the venue is a car park. ?
— Sophia Sinclair (@Sophia_Sinclair) July 31, 2016
Social media manager of @myslicefest has got a rough week ahead of them. Absolute shambles to think 7 vendors could cope #myslicefest
— James (@jamestortise) July 30, 2016
Really liked the idea of #myslicefest but the execution was horrendous. Such a shame. Definitely not worth the ticket price.
— Vicky MacKenzie (@VickyMack) July 30, 2016
Can't recommend @myslicefest. Hours of queuing in a car park for pizza. Music from DJs and performers 15 years past their prime. Overpriced.
— Aidy (@Aidy) July 30, 2016
Waiting for over an hour for Pizza at @myslicefest … Begging for more than 5 pizza sellers #WantedABurgerAnyway
— Anees Ikramullah (@mullahcorner) July 30, 2016
@myslicefest @NicholasCollins slice fest. 15,000 people. About 5 camping ovens
— Edward Lancaster (@digieddie) July 30, 2016
2 hours queues for pizza at @myslicefest and then they run out of dough. #areyoukiddingme #abouttocollapse
— Sophia Sinclair (@Sophia_Sinclair) July 30, 2016
Nearby pizza restaurants provided refuge to those let down by the Pizza festival
Don't waste your time with @myslicefest sooo poorly organised! We'll have our pizza elsewhere! ? @bbmason
— Sophie McGurn (@SophieMcGurn) July 30, 2016
By the sounds of it, it was a good decision to go to @FrancoMancaPizz this afternoon instead of #myslicefest
— Adrian Barrow (@awbarrow) July 30, 2016
Fled the absolute worst festival of all time @myslicefest but thankfully got our ? fix at amazing @FrancoMancaPizz
— Ella Cape-Davenhill (@emcdavenhill) July 30, 2016
No thanks @myslicefest! Here's a happy customer now at Franco Manca because your event is a shambles! #myslicefest
— Ruth Grosart (@Roo_fi_o) July 30, 2016
Finally got my pizza fix after the fail that was #myslicefest courtesy of @PizzaExpress!
— Kate Pole (@klpole) July 30, 2016
@leonlfc @myslicefest @jak_parsons got a@PapaJohnsUK as its the only pizza I'll have today #myslicefest or #myshitefest as it should be
— DJ (@Jefferz1980) July 30, 2016
Mobs of people calling for a refund followed
Me too please! #myslicefest
— Kate Pole (@klpole) July 30, 2016
. @myslicefest lots of people want to know how to claim a refund. Been queueing 2hrs now. Can you explain please? #myslicefest
— Nick Collins (@NicholasCollins) July 30, 2016
@myslicefest I want a refund as this is not what I paid for! Who do I contact please?
— Ruth Grosart (@Roo_fi_o) July 30, 2016
@myslicefest I once lost a £20 note and that was still better value for money than your festival
— Aman Pathiara (@apathiara) July 30, 2016
Yep! I'll be adding my name to that list! #myslicefest or #myqueuefest ?!
— Chris Wheatley (@KaiserWheats) July 30, 2016
@myslicefest thanks for taking my money, I'm still waiting for my pizza #refund #myslicefest #daylightrobbery
— Bev Dela Cruz (@Dollar_Muffin) July 30, 2016
@myslicefest Refund details please!
— Sophie McGurn (@SophieMcGurn) July 30, 2016
do you do refunds
— Lizzi D (@xLizziDx) July 30, 2016
@myslicefest you fucked up so bad. Your 'event' is actually an insult to pizza lovers like myself. R E F U N D
— soulrebelyogi (@simtheoracle) July 30, 2016
@myslicefest refund please
— soulrebelyogi (@simtheoracle) July 30, 2016
So the event was a good idea but rather than just chasing the cheese, it ‘kneaded’ more pizza dough planning, hopefully the organisers will take this criticism onboard for next time.