If you missed it, BBC Question time dropped by Wembley at the Brent Civic Centre.
Highlights included Alex Salmond addressing the refugee situation, “Marks out of Marks & Spencer’s was a refugee, Mo Farrah was a refugee, Freddie Mercury was a refugee who came to this country and made huge contributions. Jesus Christ was a refugee from Palestine, people are not just a problem they are a potential opportunity”.
Also don’t miss a rare opportunity to see an MP make an apology, John McDonnell MP says sorry about remarks he made about the IRA in the past.
On the panel are:
• Former leader of the SNP Alex Salmond MP
• Labour’s shadow chancellor John McDonnell MP
• Conservative environment secretary Elizabeth Truss MP
• Comedian and presenter Sandi Toksvig
• Daily Telegraph columnist and leader writer Tim Stanley.
David Dimbleby presents Question Time from Wembley, north west London.