Question Time comes to Wembley

If you missed it, BBC Question time dropped by Wembley at the Brent Civic Centre.

Highlights included Alex Salmond addressing the refugee situation, “Marks out of Marks & Spencer’s was a refugee, Mo Farrah was a refugee, Freddie Mercury was a refugee who came to this country and made huge contributions. Jesus Christ was a refugee from Palestine, people are not just a problem they are a potential opportunity”.

Also don’t miss a rare opportunity to see an MP make an apology, John McDonnell MP says sorry about remarks he made about the IRA in the past.

On the panel are:
• Former leader of the SNP Alex Salmond MP
• Labour’s shadow chancellor John McDonnell MP
• Conservative environment secretary Elizabeth Truss MP
• Comedian and presenter Sandi Toksvig
• Daily Telegraph columnist and leader writer Tim Stanley.

David Dimbleby presents Question Time from Wembley, north west London.

David Goodwin has been blogging since 2010 and is the author of Blog on the Block where he covers civic & social topics. Goodwin hosts the podcast, Pod on the Block. He is the founder and company director of user experience consultancy Uxfam Ltd.

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