Another Pedestrian Killed On Busy Wembley Park Roads

Another road accident, again!

This time involving 2 vehicles which have left a man in his 30’s dead.

I went for a run this morning and on my way I noticed the road had been cordoned-off by police, there was a huge lorry parked up and a blue tent where paramedics were attending to someone.

Empire Way has become increasingly busy during the transformation of Wembley Park; I would hate to think that a pedestrian has been hit by a vehicle of that size on such a narrow road.

Just 6 months ago a pedestrian was hit by a car on the same spot.

Two years ago there was an incident involving a lorry and a young boy, whom sadly lost his life.

It’s been 2 years since residents have called on Brent Council to address this high-profile pedestrian problem to make the roads safer as Wembley becomes a busier destination.

David Goodwin has been blogging since 2010 and is the author of Blog on the Block where he covers civic & social topics. Goodwin hosts the podcast, Pod on the Block. He is the founder and company director of user experience consultancy Uxfam Ltd.

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  • I’ve just tweeted Brent council to ask how many more people need to die for them to do something about this road. It’s unsafe for everyone living and visiting Wembley… My heart goes to the family of the victim

    • I know, it’s pretty striking that it’s not just another accident but another person has been killed in the same spot. I haven’t heard any reaction from the council about this.

  • There is a pedestrian crossing just a few paces away that can be used by pedestrians. Having said that i have seen planning permission from council where they want to remove it in the plans to redo that empire way/engineers way junction. Ridiculous! I hope they plan on putting another one in

  • I emailed the council six months ago about the zebra crossing a bit further along (it’s useless – people just drive through it) and I’ve had no response, despite several chases. How many more accidents do we have to have? I’m writing to my councillor about this. Would anyone like to join forces?

  • The council leader, Cllr Muhammad Butt, responded to a tweet from me yesterday on this issue, saying that he has spoken to the highways officers. I did then point out that I emailed them six months ago and haven’t had a response, so I don’t have much confidence that anyone will respond.

    This really is an issue we need to tackle. Wembley has grown exponentially and will continue to do so, and our roads are not equipped to deal with the volume of traffic being brought to the area as a result. Empire Way is effectively a through road dealing with major traffic. As a result, it is becoming deadly. I love what is happening in Wembley, but I think serious questions need to be asked about whether our roads have the capacity to respond.

Further reading

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