The iconic Wembley Stadium hosted the British institution that is Marks & Spencer’s annual general shareholders meeting this week. The incredible venue set the stage for the high street retailers 1st quarter figures. Eagerly awaiting their fix of announcements were shareholders, press, analysts and retail industry types.
M&S chief executive Marc Bolland stated that despite the decline in M&S’s core clothing business, he’s hoping for change with the new autumn and winter ranges.
photos from @SimonNeville

What’s Next for M&S
- 1.5 per cent drop in like-for-like sales of fashion and homeward.
- M&S’s food business is flourishing, up by 4.5%
- Sales had been hit by the poor weather in April.
- M& pushed sales ahead by almost 30%, boosted by the introduction of free next-day delivery to stores.
- International sales rose by 8.7%.
- To help tackle high youth unemployment M&S will be offering 1,400 unemployed young people one-month work placements.
- Use of disposable plastic bags was up year on year.

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