Has anyone received the latest bombshell dropped by Family Mosaic?
We have been a residents for almost 2 years at Quadrant Court”. Today I receive a letter from Family Mosaic, apologizing “for the delay in issuing bills to date and for any inconvenienced caused.” as they should. I goes on to say: “Bills should be issued by the end of March 2012”.
Family Mosaic then continue by saying: “We understand that due to the length of time it has taken for bills to be issued, some residents may experience difficulties to pay their bills in full.”That is one thing you can be sure of.
Would just like to know when, how much and where we all agreed to pay for this? Really wonder if it is legal to ask people to pay for something without them agree what for and how much.
Any suggestion on how we should be dealing with this?
I got it too, it’s completely unacceptable!
It’s probably best we take this to an e-mail, I can copy in all the Family Mosaic Residents who completed this form Family Mosaic Residents
We then kick off a direct dialogue with our Family Mosaic Neighbourhood manager.
I look forward to the emails. Thanks David for organising!
Hi David, please copy me into this email. What form are you talking about?
Would commenting here and leaving me email address be enough? #Hope we can get a few people involved.
Hi Jacques, the form can be found here https://wembley.blogontheblock.com/2011/12/family-mosaic-residents-5/
This is a joke!! Paula called me in Jan to tell me my bill would be sent shortly!! Can’t we just read our own meters and sent FM the reading? I will sign any pertition, email or complaint regarding this.
We probably are legally obliged to pay this bill. As, I waited and age for my council tax to be set up and without any billing info they slaped me with a hugh bill that I had to fight to get a payment plan on!!
Hi Sara,
I am not so sure about that. Your council tax is a tax and therefor it is ring fenced by laws. The heating bill is a service being provided and therefor as consumer we should have some rights. There must be some sort of agreement between the service being provided and the consumer. Without that they could charge whatever they want, without us being able to tone down our use, or seek out alternatives if we are not willing to pay for it.
I have tried to look up some more info from http://www.direct.gov.uk and everything there assumes you have a contract, which I have never been given or notified off. If you don’t have a contract with an electricity company they would simply cut off you electricity.
I am not suggesting that we don’t pay for something that we have received, but the failure of Family Mosaic to provide clear information is not acceptable. This has possibly put the power back in our hands. As long as we don’t make quick agreements, with the appointed company, and seek out advice first. I will try and chat with the Office of Fair Trading. To see what they suggest.
It would be good if someone else also give them a call or chat with anyone who has legal background to see what they think. The more info we get the better decisions we can make.
Link to: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Governmentcitizensandrights/Consumerrights/index.htm
We have the same problem in Forum house and some of us (family mosaic residents) have yet to receive our bills. It just over 3 years now. When someone came here few months ago from genesis to discuss the bills that people had received I asked what will happen if I refuse to pay my bill and was told nothing . Apparently they buy the water from the water board and then sell on to us, so think the disagreement is between them and us. We never have hot water weekends here and currently it everyday due to work waiting to be done on the main boiler and the heating works when it wants to.
Wow I can’t believe that this is happening in forum house too, 3 years!!!! I think out best bet is to seek legal advice over this to see where we stand at least.
David can you set u the email so we can all arrange next steps?
Welcome J, thanks for your post. 3 years goes to show something’s not working on Family Mosaic’s side and it’s clearly unfair for residents to bear the brunt.
Expect an email soon everyone.
Any update?