2012 Olympic training

London 2012 Olympics volunteers get their first practice gig at Wembley Arena.

  • Up to 3,000 volunteers have been drafted in to assist with security inside the venues after estimates of the number of staff needed soared from 10,000 to 23,700.

  • In Sydney in 2000, volunteers were hailed as one of the ingredients that made the event a success but at other Games bored unpaid staff have quit and ticket-holders have complained about volunteers’ lack of local knowledge.

  • Paul Deighton, the chief executive of LOCOG, the 2012 organising committee, said this weekend’s orientation event for the so-called Games Makers was a crucial part of the process

David Goodwin has been blogging since 2010 and is the author of Blog on the Block where he covers civic & social topics. Goodwin hosts the podcast, Pod on the Block. He is the founder and company director of user experience consultancy Uxfam Ltd.

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