Water feature in the courtyard

Hi everyone,

I read in one of the past posts that the water feature is not being maintained because LRM thinks it too expensive.

Surely when they decided to put in the feature, future estimated costs on running it were budgeted for?!?

This makes me so annoyed as it is something else to add to the list of things that management is failing us on.

Surely the cost of the feature was included in our service charge!

If someone else know anything I would appreciate it.

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  • Hi, I totally agree with your post. I think it absolutely ridiculous that they have installed something that can’t be maintained. When the meeting wa held LRM said that it was too expensive to run and that it was dangerous for kids. Mmmmm my question is why did it ever get installed in the first place? If they knew children where going to affected by this why did they go ahead and approve this when the building was first built. The reply was to completely remove it? Erm ok have asked the residents wether they would be happy with this? I personally love the fountain and think it’s a brilliant feature for the building as it creates a great first impression and looks great. It’s very easy for them to say “let’s remove it” because this stops their headaches of dealing with this! LRM find another solution before u take the easy way out (as usual) and remove it! This is LRM’s problem and we shouldn’t have to deal with it being removed because they were incompetent on in signing something off during the build that could potentially be dangerous to kids! Note to parents: this is not helped by letting your kids play with it! There is a playground for kids to play on!

  • If other new developments with fountains can be maintained why can’t ours? the excuses aren’t good enough, we should pressure the service providers to turn it back on.

    I would like to know more about the discussions between LRM and Quintain regarding this.

Further reading