My smoke detector has randomly started to make a sharp piercing ‘Blip!’ sound every minute or so, has anyone else had this happen?
I have pushed the ‘Hush’ button and turned it on and off from the mains but it still makes the ‘Blip!’ sound now and again.
Any ideas on how to stop it, there hasn’t been any cooking or smoke or from anywhere, so can’t think what has triggered it off?
Time to change your battery…
When the temperature drops the voltage to the battery reduces which will cause the unit to chirp. As the temperature rises so the chirping will cease. This behaviour normally denotes that the battery needs to be changed but this could also happen on cold nights when the house is unheated.
There are a couple of reasons a unit may chirp. If the battery is low the unit can have a sporadic chirping at first but the should settle down to a 40-second interval, this chirp will continue for at least 30 days or until the battery is replaced. The second cause for this chirp is if the alarm sensor has malfunctioned, the alarm must be replaced in this case.