Security Guy

Hi all,

Correct me if I’m wrong, but when we moved in, were we not promised that there would be a security guy available?

How come sofar we haven’t see anyone (except that day when there was supposedly a private party to be held in the foyer)?

The other day I was looking for properties in Quadrant Court, and found the link below, showing a Quadrant Court Property to rent. On one of the images it shows a security guy behind the desk. Are they allowed to mislead the people this way? Or are they still planning on getting a security guy and I’m not aware of it?


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  • It’s sloppy that these pictures are still so easily found online. I think we need to figure out what we expect them to do about it. Do we expect a full-time concierge or are most residents use to the situation and happy as long the main entrance works and shuts itself?

    Some residents have written letters and escalated this amongst other issues, maybe we all need to do the same.

  • Hi David,

    We definitely need a security guy. Quadrant Court building is deteriorating every day, and it’s supposed to be a new building!

    Look at Forum House, which has a 24/7 security guy. It looks so much more professional and way cleaner than Quadrant Court. People would take much better care of the building if we had someone monitoring the building.

    I think we should have a residents meeting soon to discuss all the issues.


  • It’s funny that after posting the initial comment, the image of the security guy was removed from the link!

  • Hi Hamid,

    I’m not suprised they moved it so swiftly, good spot and thanks for sharing.

    I would be intested in hearing an experts view of how QC is really doing, Olly should be able to provide some decent insights. Remember, Olly was the original concierge for Forum hse, the latter of which experienced similar problems in it’s early days.

    Funnily enough, I was walking past Forum hse the other day and saw a dispute between two residents. A woman yelling at a man for not closing the door, being that their door doesn’t work. So I’m not too sure how effective or how involved their conceirge gets as he seemed to just be sitting their watching TV.

    Residents meeting coming soon, will keep you posted.

Further reading

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