Party in main lobby this saturday!!!!

Hey residents , How you all doing im am thinking about hosting a massive party in the main lobby this saturday with live music and loads of alcohol from 14:00 to 02:00 🙂
Everybody is invited

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  • 5 reasons why this won’t work:

    1. Just over 60 residents read this blog every week yet only 10 of them contribute. So, 100 residents will venture in and out of the main entrance and you’ll be lucky if 3 of them stick around.

    2. Although the foyer can resemble a club to the imaginative with the concierge desk being used as a DJ booth, without proper lighting it just won’t have that party feel.

    3. The Foyer is already warm and stuffy so a party would create a sweat box.

    4. Families living in the Southwest Core will complain that noise is keeping up their children.

    5. You will look silly.

    As maverick an idea this is, I have to state the facts and be a party pooper.

  • Hmmmmm…

    What about mums with pushchairs or wheelchair users needing to use the lift?

    Surely you’ll be in their way.

    What about the men on their motor bikes who deliver Dominos pizzas?

    Are they invited too?

  • dont worry about people not showing up peoples i have half of my college year comin and a local DJ all gonna b good plus if we are in anybodys way they can find another solution to get 2 there apt not our problem 🙂

  • That’s a good neighbour, I can see you have other residents best interests at heart. If I see any hint of you & your college friends obstructing mothers with pushchairs and the disabled from getting to their apartments then I will be calling the police.

  • Loving the fact that this party didn’t happen! I love the way the person that organised this didn’t even consider other residents. Question to the organiser: do you actually think that all residents of quadrant court would love the foyer full of youths that actually aren’t residents? it’s our property too and if something did go wrong and get broken we would all have to pay for it as it comes out our pockets. I’m sure your parents would not be happy about this. Also ur answer beforehand about not caring about other how they get in especially people with prams is very irresponsible. It would be nice if all residents had a party for us to get to know our neighbours but I really do NOT fancy meeting your college mates and I’m sure people here don’t have any interest either. When you buy your own place in the future you will understand how irresponsible and selfish you would have been to ur neighbours if this party would have happened. I’m so glad LRM acted promptly to this. Though maybe we should announce more parties on here just so we get a concierge for the weekend as promised when we first moved in!

Further reading

Blog on the Block default image

5th November Party

Hi guys, heard a rumour about a big Bonfire night party taking place at Quadrant Court. I for one think this is a mega idea! Perhaps we could all buy...