Hot water & heating bills?

Have you received any bills for hot water and heating? or is it already including somewhere and I am not aware of that. I am bit worried that I will be hit by massive bill some time in the future.

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  • Are you with Genesis? I did not get any bills and have been trying to find out what is going on for months but they are clueless. If you are with Genesis, the bills are with them and will be passed on to you at some point. They just don’t know who is in charge of this.

  • Hi guys just spoke to the family mosaic guys who were lovely and they informed us that these bills should be with us in 6 weeks or so. If the bills are big they will let us pay them in installments as it is not fair that after all this time not getting a bill or any advice on how to get a bill they land us with a massive bill! Let’s just hope this problem does NOT persist and we finally get our bills! The should give us at least 10% off for all the inconvenience caused as I have a feeling we are all going to be out of pocket!

  • I would not believe them, as Family Mosaic is so good at stalling. It approaching the end march 2012 mow.

    I have been contacting Jimmy Joseph and he does not answer questions directly. I don’t even know if I need to pay water bill or does it inculde in the service charge? They never reply nor confirm. I just hope that there would not be any surprise in the future.

  • Hi, I am with Genesis and have lived at Forum House for 3 years, I received a bill just before Christmas last year, I have contacted both Genesis and Environenergy, who can not explain how they arrived at the figures, what the meter readings are, etc. I find this totally unexceptable and am not paying anything until someome can explain it all in detail. Yesterday I got a demand letter for a different amount than I have been billed. Genesis are clueless and I don’t know how they expect anybody to pay something that no one can explain.

Further reading

Blog on the Block default image

Water bills???

Has anyone received a water bill yet? We’ve lived here since August 2010 and not received any bills. The excuse is something to do with not...