NorthWest Core bins!

Why is there always black bin bags left to pile up here at the Northwest Core bins? It’s disgusting and seems to be the only bins in the court yard left in this state. This is one way to attract rodents and it’s apparent London is infested with mice & rats so they’re always near by. Do the cleaners maintain to the bins, the black bags have been there all week? I heard Forum House almost had a mouse issue because of similar problem, we should take note.


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  • It’s good to hear that the individuals responsible for this have been notified of the £250 fine for dumping rubbish in the court yard and they’re on the CCTV which is now working again.

  • Hi just to Understand this better… My saying “notified” does this mean that they have just be warned or doe this mean that they have actually been fined? In my eyes this should be an on the spot fine. Also will this also apply to the inconsiderate people that throw their unwanted post on the floor because if the CCTV is working surely they can be caught too… Plus its easier to get caught as u can check on CCTV their flat num from their post box. The £250 should apply to all dumping of rubbish. Please could someone clarify this so we are all aware. Thanks

  • Hey Mish – There were two residents involved in dumping rubbish bags, they both got notifications sent. Only one of the residents removed theirs, so the other will get a fine added to their service charge.

    I think the spot fine is a good idea for the junk mail area, definitely worth following up.

  • Thanks for clarifying David… Hopefully soon we will be able to live in a clean home again 🙂 hopefully people will start to understand that we all have to follow the same rules which are not even rules really it’s common sense. Thanks again

  • Anytime, thanks for contributing it’s residents like you who keep this blog interesting. Without everyone’s contribution it would have dried up a month ago, still we have far more viewers than contributors.

Further reading

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