Neglected iPod? burn off those xmas calories with a new playlist to move to

I hope the savvy group of residents who purchased Sundays ‘deal of the day’ from Lovefilm are enjoying the sensation of being knee deep in a wonderful selection of  movie rentals, I know I am. 80% off! what were they thinking? when the deal closed Monday night an amazing 4,590 were bought, wow!

Well Emusic have hopped on the group buying band wagon and are offering £18 for £60 worth of Music Downloads for Six Months that’s six of the latest albums for the price of two – Save 70%, check it out here

This deal is available from today for 48 hrs only.

David Goodwin has been blogging since 2010 and is the author of Blog on the Block where he covers civic & social topics. Goodwin hosts the podcast, Pod on the Block. He is the founder and company director of user experience consultancy Uxfam Ltd.

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