What the hell has happened to the front door? Don’t people know that in order to open u only have to press a little green button and it amazingly enough the door opens automatically?? Obviously some people may not know this and this is why the front door is now broken! Absolutely disgraceful. And the great thing is we are all paying for this out of our own pockets because people don’t know how to look after things… Also: there is rubbish all over the place yogurt pot, tissues u name it, it can be found at our front entrance we might as well dump rubbish there too u won’t be able to tell! I’m very annoyed at this… If I catch anyone damaging doors or throwing anything on the floor they better run! There are so many decent people living here but also too many people who should not even be allowed to enter the premises. Rant over!
There are some really impatient people here, I’ve seen them on many occasions. I’m not entirely sure what’s behind this behaviour apart from a complete lack of patience. They strong arm the door open and scuttle in, it’s the people without key fobs who are the biggest culprits. If they hate waiting for someone to let them in, get a fob. It’s a fact that people with no fobs will continue to yank at the door because they don’t like waiting.
When exiting the building has anyone else walked into the door? After pressing the green button, the door opens just a fraction before coming to a halt. My face banged into the door handle the other day, it just doesn’t work like it use to.
I had the same thing happen to me the other morning. As I press the button the door opened and then came to a halt meaning, I who expected the door to fully open, walked straight into the handle bar hitting my head! I quite thankful that it was early in the morning which save the embarrassment but wasn’t please when I got on the bus and saw that I had a nice red lump on my forehead… I don’t understand why people do this! This is why we need 24hr security.
These people are causing criminal damage to our home. This should not be allowed.
I think a general meeting with all residents should be held so we can all express our opinions on everything and everyone!
And the rubbish in the foyer is really becoming difficult to tolerate. Filthy pigs! I guess we are now living the Wembley dream. 🙂
BTW, how about a rubbish bin next to the bench and one more by the notice board opposite to mail boxes? Maybe that would help with the yogurt pots disposal? Until they too get trashed.
The door is a nightmare!
I haven’t seen anyone drop rubbish yet and I see a lot of people on my way in & out daily, who’s dropping it? One or two guilty parties?
Envac Waste bin for the dirty Foyer area maybe, judging by the state of the bins it will just encourage more mess.
Most residents would have recently experienced LRM (London Residential Management) approval for the building manager to disable the door. This means the door no longer automatically opens or closes and now must be used manually; resulting in the door left open unless residents close it behind themselves afterwards. LRM have put up some new notices instructing residents to close the door behind them. However, the door is still being left open, I guess some residents are oblivious to these notices, how about the use of Signage useful for crossing cultural and language barriers?
With it being the end of 2010 and looking back I’m not impressed with LRM, Just look at the Foyer, how has it been allowed to end up this way in such a short period of time? This part of the building should look like it’s the most looked after because it’s right next to the building managers office! The foyer is the starting point, it’s what our friends and family pass through and exit from. The door should never have been allowed to be broken in the first place, it’s the building managers job to connect with all residents and send the right messages home, right from the beginning. The strategy, to have the BM hidden away in an office situated in a far corner of the foyer is flawed (it’s not very approachable). The BM misses all the action, residents abusing the foyer with litter and breaking the door, all happens right under his nose while he is locked away in the office (this doesn’t only happen on the weekend). This door issue was mentioned almost a month ago here, it has taken LRM a month to notice the problem door, resulting in several residents bashing their faces into it, including me!
Now I must see boldly embarrassing/ patronising notices posted up “CLOSE THE DOOR BEHIND YOU” stuck on the main entrance of Quadrant Court . With all the traffic that goes by, I wonder what people think “Do people living here really need to be told to close the door?”
It’s as if we’re all being treated like kids.
And it annoys me that people don’t close the front entrance door behind them. That’s one way to invite unwanted guests! Some people really have no common sense or awareness!
Having bins in reception is a great idea as the mail box and bench areas are always littered with unwanted leaflets and food wrappings.
I will be in our garden from next Sunday 23rd January from 1pm-2pm picking up litter. You are all welcome to join in. We can do a group litter pick. Many hands make light work. It would be great to meet my other neighbours that care about our home.
I see the whole of Quadrant Court as my home, not inside just my flat. I think many others of you feel the same way which is why we all get upset when we see our home treated in this way.
Have a great week and see you on Sunday.