Upon entering your core, clearly labelled on the entrance is a no smoking sign. So can anyone tell me why recently I could smell smoke and see cigarette stubbs on the stair case?
A new notice would be nice, reminding smokers to not smoke in the building, please be more considerate.
I think this is a great channel for residents to connect with each other on important issues. Hats off to the Resident who created this 🙂
I totally agree with you, I want this building to be a non-smoking zone. This means not even in the court yard, I have to breathe in passive smoke everytime a smoker is on the lower ground of their balcony.
This is exposing non-smokers like children to second hand smoke, a disease causing indoor air pollutant.
non smoking in the court yard its a bit excessive now, unless they smoke in front of your front door I don’t see any problems on smoking in the court yard, anyway is still an open space and I am sure people are educated enough not to smoke in front of kids or in people faces.