
Once again is rubbish dumped everywhere in QC- outside the bins are bags full with all kind of rubbish- food, paper, bottles, pizza boxes….

Can everyone please put them rubbish in the right place ????

Thank you

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  • Good photo, I had hoped to take a picture of the south west core bins,what a mess . Some residents have no respect for the rest of us. The building manager has access to the CCTV footage, I hope the lazy people responsible for this rubbish, receive a warning or are fined.

  • It’s a great job that Genesis have done with the latest notices, this should drive the message home. If it doesn’t start to work I don’t know what will?

Further reading

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Why treat lifts like bins?

Just got in to find two Capri suns empty and left in the lift as rubbish… That is absolutely disgusting. Please pick up your rubbish. You...

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Bin Offence

Worst bin offence I’ve seen in a long time. A heap of wood topped with the base of a birthday cake thrown for other residents to see. Residents...