Paan in the a*se

Dearest resisdents, its saddens me to see this forum being populated with stories of demise, I would like to bring to your attention a issue which I encountered upoin entering the building with some guests. ‘Urgh what is that!’ shouted my guest, ‘hmm looks like blood stains’, ‘no its paan stains’ – what the hecks ‘Paan’, its this tabacco like substance people chew and spit! – it stains the floor. Its a common problem in Wembley, you may have seen the friendly no paan spitting posters.

I find this problem deeply upsetting as its one of the first thing guests see as they enter the building. Id be interested to know what ideas people have to resolve this problem.
Personally Id like to see more involvement from the building manager on this forum, so we can feel assured our concerns are at least being understood.


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  • You learn something new everyday. I’ve noticed this stain before, I thought that it was ketchup from masses of hot dogs during event days?

    I agree about the building manager, whom could answer a question once by using this site rather than answering the same question over and over.



  • Geat pun! I’m not from Wembley and had no idea about the paan problem, thanks for sharing.

    When inviting guest I recommend a quick status check from foyer to front door, so if your guests do have any questions you’ll be ready with a list of prepared answers:

    Guest: ” Why are there huge holes in the wall”

    Quadrant Court Resident: “Errr, oh that’s my fault, the wardrobe couldn’t fit in the lift, so we had to take the stair case ruining the walls in the process”.

  • Pretty hard to police this, as given that the stains are on the stairs outside the building in the public space, it would probably be a council/police matter.