In the early hours of this morning about 1am, the main entrance to Quadrant Court was wide open and not closing. There were a few drunk residents walking in, completely oblivious to the non-functioning door (hey it’s the early hours of Saturday night this is understandable). So I had to close it manually by just pulling it in.
Later today I popped out and noticed the door is still not closing, does anyone know how to turn it on again or how it got like this in the first place?
Issues like this and similar would not be a problem if the building had a concierge. Any info on what is going on with this? There is a reception, the concierge services were advertised by Genesis before I purchased the flat here and still advertised now by Quintain. So when are we supposed to get one in?
Quadrant Court will not have a permanet concierge as Forum House. I guess the process is that Ollie will be around during the day, doing his multi-tasking, and he can be reached on his mobile, but alas no front of office staff.
Apparently at a later stage, if all the residents get together and approach the management company we can get a concierge, but I suspect the service charge will go up if they agree to it.
I was also told that there would be a 24h concierge which was very appealing as i thought the security would be fantastic! Why is it that forum house have 24h security and we don’t? By the looks of things we need one, as people do not how to keep the place in one piece! And also I agreed to the service charge thinking that this would include the concierge 24hr not mon to fri!(obviously been miss sold information).
I understand that the cost of a concierge in Quadrant Court would work out at about ÂŁ360 per flat per annum. Sounds like a good deal to me, although in order to save on costs I’d be more than happy to just hire a night-time one, especially given that we have Ollie on site during the day.
What do other residents think?
Hi, I posted this a back in November, thanks for digging it out, it’s good to see that the door is finally fixed. It’s also good to see the bright yellow signs, hopefully this will be more effective in getting the message across. In answer to your question I think this sound very reasonable, where have you got these figures from?
Let’s not forget that when we agree to pay what we did for purchasing the flat, this price included concierge as stated in the literature. So We SHOULD have conciege service without having to pay more to have it. We paid already to have concierge as part of Quadrant Court.
Also, do not confuse the role of building manager(Olly) with that of conciege. Even if Olly is doing a great job in Quadrant Court, he is not here as a conceirge. I don’t want to mix Olly’s role with a genuine concierge service as he isn’t a visible security presence at the entrance.
I wonder what Quintain’s legal bill would come to if the QC residents took them to court for miss selling their properties and whether the cheaper option would be for them to fulfill their claims*. Who knows, they might even sell the rest of the flats if prospective residents were greeted by concierge on their first visit.
Well said Michael, maybe we should send a Group Note or if we can get enough residents to sign some sort of petition to Quintain on the premise of their original agreement.
Hi David and Michael,
Indeed, just checked the hyperlinks sent by Michael and, lo and behold, it does mention a concierge service. So, for now, I’d go with a Group Note and take it from there.
The figure dor a concierge service I mentioned above was based on a very informal conversation with Ollie and they would have to be verified in due course. But, now that we have the undertaking with respect the concierge service written clearly in the promotional literature, the issue of employing a concierge of our own bat is moot for now. The only other issue I can think of right now is whether the private buyers were given a similar undertaking in writing before they bought.
On the issue of Ollie and the concierege. I should have been clearer: my point was merely to say that Ollie’s presence on site, at least during the working week, acts to control things to a certain extent – but, yes, I did not mean to imply that this makes him a concierge.
Thanks guys,
Hey Adam, Thanks for coming back to us, I’m happy to set up a Group Note with Quintain as recipient. I would however need to get Michael, yourself and any other residents input on what the Group Note should include. It would be great to rally up the support of as many people as possible. Having said that, I am in no way portraying Quintain as Hosni Mubarak and residents as the people of Egypt (metaphor), on the whole, we generally think the regeneration of Wembley is brilliant and exciting! On the other hand, we do want our question answered around the concierge promise.
Hi, I would like to join this. I think it would be good if we could seek a legal advice together as I also feel that we may be having a case of missold property. Perhaps this should be mentioned in the group note. Not having a concierge as promissed does not only impact daily life in the building, but also the value of the flats long-term.
Michael, Adam & Webb,
Thought I would push for a decision:
We need to decide:
If we should seek legal advice.
What our group note / letter should include
We might want to do this in person, if so send me how you would prefer to be contacted (email would do)here and I’ll try coordinate meet up of some sort.
Thanks for your comments guys. We need to meet up soon face to face to discuss these issues as the the portal is maybe too public. I will have a word from our local CAB and also we can speak with our conveyors/solicitors.
On a connected note, have any of you received a letter from your housing association about rent and service charges recently? I have just found out that my rent and service charge are going up this year and not just at rate of inflation.
My rent is going up by 5% however service charge is increasing by an eyewatering 49% from ÂŁ109.03 to ÂŁ162.65.
I thought we were told at the last resident’s meeting that if we were over budget, we would be informed. We have never been told that this or that is pushing our projected expenditure above current budget.
So we need to find out ASAP precisely what expenditure has led to an increase service charge by an extra ÂŁ53.62 pm.
For example, no-one has informed us what the actual cost is to repairing criminal damage to walls, flytipping etc. It’s just done. If there are issues affecting our budget, we should know. Also each time we incur a significant cost, we should be notified so we know where we are in order to prevent these price increases.
Now correct me if I’m wrong but surely most of the big repairs that we have had this year are covered by defects, i.e. faulty irrigation, wrong material for surfacing laid down on the paths. This would not come out of QC’s budget, but Sisk would cover it.
Even this front door fiasco really shouldn’t be included in our service charge bill as it is in defects too. Furthermore the door blatantly has a design fault and should be replaced. In the thousand plus years that mankind has produced front doors, I’ve never heard of a one that breaks so easily every time someone gives it a yank. Surely we can’t be held liable each time this happens. As it is the first line of defence for 200 or so homes it should be made of sturdier material.
I’ve touched on lots of issues here, but it all points towards a strong need for more accountablilty from the authorities here. How do you suggest we get this? If it comes to light that anti-social behaviour is driving up our bills, that is a strong enough case for getting a concierge to deter these issues in the first place.
Hi Micheal.
I agree we have to meet up as soon as possible, my service charge is increasing over 60% what I believe is abusive, I’ve tried to contact PCHA regarding this issue and to get a copy of the QC budget for 2011, but the person who is in charge of it is always busy and never return my calls, one of PCHA staff said the increase is due the recently increase on VAT, other blamed the prime minister, unbelievable!!!!!!
If we get together and make a big noise maybe they will start to give us some respect and sort out the problems we have now, before QC turn into one of those old, smelly building.
Hi Guys,
I am totally shocked by this! I have been away from my flat for the last two days on business, not back yet but I really don’t fancy going home and reading that shocking letter that you guys have received! this is absolutely ridiculous, how can they cahrge sio much money a month?? I have a one bed living by myself and have invested money in this place and now the want to take more money from us! JOKE! How can they even justify this? when we don’t even have a concierge!
I am also very keen to meet and get together. I think the more people we can get together the better. Maybe we should arrange a meeting with most people in the building. we could write a letter explaining about the meeting and put it under peoples doors… I would be able to cover my block. I’m sure people would turn up after getting ridiculous increases on the charges.
Also, when I bough part of my flat they indicated to me that there would be a 24hr concierge just as it states on the websites. I am going to look at all my paperwork from when I purchased and check whether I have it in writing. I hope I do because if we do I’m sure we have a legal case!
Please please please let me know when you are meeting and I will gladly join.
Hi Michael, Marcio & Mish,
I don’t want to miss this and can only be available week commencing 14th March, hopefully we can meet up that week or the next.
However, if you do decide to act swift and meet up next week which I can’t make then Michael if you could fill me in, that would be really appreciated.
Michael, you made some brilliant points, I have already been paying the higher end of service charge since I moved in. It seems there are different charges depending on size of flat / package and so on.
I really think as residents, our expectations are being poorly managed, it would be good to get some Forum House residents in on this. Forum House folk already have two years with LRM & Genesis, I’m sure they can provide some useful information.
Hi David and others,
I would like to meet up in person as well. Should I just post my e-mail on here so that you can contact me? I will be away for 6 weeks as of 12/03
BTW, if it comes to anything like a legal case, I have been collecting evidence of problems in the building, which would not be happening if there is a concierge 24/7. This includes some videos of kids/adults playing football in the courtyard last year, photos of the rubbish in the foyer and videos of noisy parties. Also, having a concierge would help with practical issues like mail/parcels deliveries. Forum House have a post room and anything that is delivered the concierge can sign for and you just pick it up when you come home. I am wasting my time having to go to collect from Royal Mail as there is nobody here at the reception. And just having the reception in the foyer is a clear proof that the concierge services were planned. Plus, I have the brochure that was given by PCHA at the time when I cam to see the flat and which clearly states there will be concierge services. And a sloppy e-mail from someone in PCHA trying to convince me that I missunderstood there will be a concierge in the building. This was sent just after I first complained last summer.
A group note may be a start, but they will ignore it until there is an official request by a solicitor. We need to find a solicitor to represent us and write to the HAs.
OK guys let’s meet up soon to discuss next steps and draw up an action plan. It will work best if initially we create a small team so than we can work efficiently. After our first meeting, we can get more QC residents informed and involved, for example those who are not using this portal.
Here’s my email address:
Please send me an email refencing “QC meeting”, with your contact details and stating your availability over the next 2-3 weeks (Rest assured I’ll not share your details with anyone). We need to act fast, before the new service charge comes into force in April.
I’ll wait until wednesday for you all to get back to me. By then I’ll be able to gauge numbers and together we can decide on an appropriate venue.
I look forward to working with you.
Best regards
Sorry everybody. I’ve just got back onto this.
Has a meeting been arranged yet?
Hi Adam, I have sent you & Mish an email to find out your availability. This will be the first catch up in person so it would be good if we can get as many residents as possible. Once you confirm your availability either myself or Michael will send out a email with all attendees copied in.
Hi guys, Please let me know when the meeting will take place, I am very interested to discuss all this issues wiht you guys and see what we can do about it.
I seen information some where in this ‘your voice’ or some where in early january 2011; as from now on we have increase staff in cleaning, but since January 2011 to March 16/3/2011, I noticed my area clean only one time in 3 months time, but i noticed that in notice board were cleaner to be sign each time clean the area, is sign every time.
Last week when i was at my home on holiday all week, i noticed cleaner always on phone, not do cleaning.
Do you not fill that this is manipulating, in our service charge?
Is there any new update on this issue of increased service charge and concierge? I just have a feeling that PCHA/management company is taking the residents for a ride and making us subsidise their other costs through the service charges. I’m sure they are obliged to provide us a breakdown of costs or at least a summary statement for which we are charged these exorbitant amounts.
Maybe we should all get together and write a letter demanding that they give us this information as it’s our right to know what we’re paying for.
This site has some valuable information regarding our rights on service charges